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A name that is cursed, yet admired all the same.

Goodbye India

42 Tag 1,143, 09:42 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hello everybody,

the new year awakes and so is my urge to look for new adventures. After six months of being in eIndia, after i became an active part of it's struggles, problems, darkest and hopefully some of the greatest moments, i will look for

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Natural Enemy = innerer Schweinehund

25 Tag 1,125, 05:29 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hi everybody,

the following article is adressed to the (e)german people, most likely i won't provide a translation and google isn't good enough to translate proper german into proper english. Nevertheless i'd like to ask all eIndians to vote, as

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Some good news

13 Tag 1,106, 15:27 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hi everbody,

i don't want to hype anything, therefore i use my private newspaper. Also this is not my report for this CP term, this comes on 3rd or 4th of december, have some data to collect before i can do this.


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Maximize your firepower

13 Tag 1,082, 09:28 Veröffentlicht in India India

editors note: The article is based on this guide in the german media. My translation includes several changes, because it is adressed to indian citizens and mehr »

With heart and mind - My candidacy for CP

25 Tag 1,076, 11:32 Veröffentlicht in India India

Dear eIndians,

Hereby i'd like to announce my candidacy for country presidency.
Initially i wanted to hand over the responsibility to a(nother) highly respected and capable candidate, but he isn't able to run this term due to recent rl

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