Maximize your firepower

Day 1,082, 09:28 Published in India Germany by Iseutz
editors note: The article is based on this guide in the german media. My translation includes several changes, because it is adressed to indian citizens and because of the recent strenght change..

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Dear citizens,

Every battle means spending money/gold. The more food and weapons you buy, the more damage will you do. But it's important to know about the relations of spending money and causing damage. Read this article, to learn how to avoid wasting money and fighting efficient.

Every click on the fight-button costs you 10 points of wellness. Therefore the question is how to regain wellness in a cheap way.

1. Buying a house is normally the most efficient way to get wellness back. Once a day with the day change, you will get up to 50 wellness points. But be careful, you have to compare the price for a house and the prices for the same amount of wellness by food per day. "Price of house / (health*duration) Price of food / health"

Usually you will get the best efficiency out of houses with a balanced costumization, means health and duration are nearly equal. For example: Q2(30/30), Q3(46/44), Q4(60/60), Q5(76/74)
(But never forget to compare, because many sellers try to monetarize the houses advantage.)

Important: The current advantage of houses is doubled on admins decision to make the changes less unpleasant. This bonus ends on 8th of november!

2. Every day you can eat food to regain up to 300 wellness points. Use this option completely or partially (without weapons!) to get an optimal ratio between costs and damage. Food = Damage!

If you buy food from the indian market, 300 wellness points would cost 88inr. For a new citizen or citizens without own companies it is not realistic to fight every day until you hit the maximum. Consider wisely where and when you spend your money on food (and weapons).

3. Because of the current erepublic gameplay hospitals are a rare option to get another 100 wellness points for free. Hospitals are quite scarces and even if you have spotted one they are only available at the beginning of a mini-battle.
The admins announced a change of the hospital rules, but as you can see, they obviously haven't made up their mind until now.

4. If you are able and willing to spend more money/gold to cause more damage on the battlefields, you can buy weapons. But never ever buy weapons if you are not able to buy food for 300 wellness too. The only exception would be, if you have not enough time to refill your health when the battles is nearly over. But that would be a sign of bad planning...

Again the best efficiency ratio is usually provided, when the customization points are balanced, unless the seller try to get more money out of this advantage. For example: Q2(30/30), Q3(50/40), Q4(60/60), Q5(80/70)
Common weapons with customizations like these: Q2(40,20), Q3(60,30), Q4(80,40), Q5(100,50) will deal around 12% lower damage (taking in account that the production costs are the same)

To compare the weapon efficiency simply calculate with these fomulas:
Price of weapon1 / (damage1*duration1) Price of weapon2 / (damage2*duration2)
The offer with the smaller result is the better one.

After the recent change back to 'strenght' the influence of weapons to your damage is:
'Your normal damage' + '20% of your damage per quality-level of weapon'
That means a Q1 weapon will add 20% damage, a Q2 weapon 40% damage, a Q3 60% etc.

5. To buy wellness packs (WP) is only recommendable, when you have used all wellness points you could get from house, food and eventually from hospital AND using Q5 weapons. If you cant afford buying high-end weapons for all your normal fights, you are obviously not in the position to even consider to buy WPs.
If you are buying WPs make sure, you are still using q5 weapons. Maybe it is more efficient to use "Instead Defeat" instead of WPs. Please read below

6. The "Instant Defeat" (ID) button is the last resort to cause damage on the battlefield. Don't touch this button, unless you are filthy rich.
ID costs 1 gold each click. Your opponent will be removed from the battlefield and you will get the same damage and influence as if you have defeated him on the normal way. Fortunately ID don't decreases your wellness. ID can be efficient, when you have used all other options and buying WPs plus new weapons would cost more than 1 gold to defeat your next opponent.

best regards

PS: if you want to suggest or correct sth, simply leave a comment or query me on irc.