Goodbye India

Day 1,143, 09:42 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Hello everybody,

the new year awakes and so is my urge to look for new adventures. After six months of being in eIndia, after i became an active part of it's struggles, problems, darkest and hopefully some of the greatest moments, i will look for further ventures.

When i came to eIndia in end of June 2010 during the reign of Jelen od Potoka, i explored an interesting but unfortunately somewhat paralyzed country. The golden ages seemed to be sunken in a far away past and only shadows loomed, with even gloomier times ahead. There were nearly no governmental structures, the community was simply deceased and the few remaining caring people like Jelen and Shail were hopelessly outnumbered, facing difficult and unpleasant tasks.

Because i was active and interested, i could convince come2findu to make me MoD in August, to could gather the informations i desperately needed to get the whole picture of the moment - and how things could deprave to this point. But it was more complicated than i thought, no one seemed to have an adequate overview or - as i recognized later - was simply reluctant to explain everything for reasons i still don't fully understand (i have some ideas, but thats not important anymore). This included the question where all the gold has gone from the rental of Karnataka to the USA, who had access to state organisations and why, what possessions (money, companies, goods) eIndia still had to work with etc. The situation changed only slightly when Dharma Vardhan became CP in September.

Before that, the worst event in the younger eIndian history took place: At the end of come2findus term, he - or at least his account - cooperated with the serbians, who wanted to cross eIndia and enter southeast asia for strategical (and economical) reasons. In the months before, nearly every election a political takeover attempt took place by different hostile groups, mostly massivley supported by multi-account power. But this time, the serbians had been successful, because the TO defence coordinators were absent due rl issues, so come2findu - or someone with access to his account - gave in. Officially c2fu claimed his account was hacked, but that is something i never believed a single second. But in the end, the result was the same: devastating, shocking, discouraging. Dharma and his staff tried to repair the damage, but of course this was far beyond our abilities as government of eIndia. The dices had been thrown and the already weakened and insignifcant eIndia tumbled down into the abyss.

And in the depths of this abyss we met a devil with a human face: Dio Brando. He himself was sleeping, but his minions got the scense of our weakness and confusion and decided to bury their claws into whats left of eIndia. The Dioist horde gathered in ePakistan and prepared an invasion, using the age old tensions between the natural inhabitants of ePakistan and eIndia in favor of their voracious appetite for destruction and torment. And at this moment, i stepped in, because i was convinced, it was my duty to do everything i can do, to save eIndia from annihilation and maybe, somehow regain the lost trust and positive relations with foreign nations, who once were supporters, and some even friends.

eIndias former presidents always tried to be neutral, but i never believed in this concept and i still don't. To save eIndia and get it back on the right track, we had to chose not only a side, but to show resilience and an iron will. The will to bear what own faults and a gruesome eworld was loading onto our slender shoulders. We all might have different opinions about what had been the right decision and there was not a single day in my two consecutive months as eindian CP i didn't have doubts too. But someone had to decide and lead and thats what i tried to do. And in the end - i hope - i did more things right, than wrong.

What we haven't achieved was the liberation of eIndia, but we got back some trust and maybe, individually, even some respect. It took two months and many hours of work by dozens of people until the big breakthrough was made - a bunch of strong MPPs with EDEN members (and of course the USA 😁) who all were willing to spend a part of their gigantic force to aid us actively in our struggle. It would be a lie to tell, they did it, because they love eIndia. It was in their strategical and tactical interest at least. But the result is what counts, because it shifted their attention back on the eindian issues and the current status is based on this development.

During my time, i tried to get more people attracted to active and more professional government work. Of course this always depends on individuals, but again generally i think, i was successful in gathering a new focal group which now is the center of the current work. Also our currently active congress might have its roots in our our weeks long hard work, what of course was continued by Swathikrishnan and his team. We renewed the forum, we tried to reorganize the army (a neverending story... 😁), we brought order into state possessions and finances and, maybe in one or two months, we finally will get all eIndian regions back together. Then we have to look towards new struggles and challenges in this stupid little funny damn frustrating great game called eRepublik.

In the next months i will shift my attention towards my old home, eGermany. But of course i will stick around and help eIndia where ever and when ever i can. I might change my citizenship and my location and my military unit, but a piece of my heart will stay with you, in this country.

There are way too many people i had to greet so i keep it short:
Farewell and salutes to everyone (!!) i met during my time in eInda. Thank you for the experience!

PS: My last official advise: Forum is the communities and governments backone number one, if you want to obtain sustainable developments start to use it more frequently, you stubborn cow-huggers! 😛 😉
PPS: If you ever want to join a really cool paramiliary group, msg me. FSK ftw! \o/
PPPS: i dont understand a single word, but it's fun 😁 -