Some good news

Day 1,106, 15:27 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Hi everbody,

i don't want to hype anything, therefore i use my private newspaper. Also this is not my report for this CP term, this comes on 3rd or 4th of december, have some data to collect before i can do this.

International frontier
So, what about the good news - as we have told you constantly (ignoring some attempts to be caught in a flame&blame game 😁) we were working to improve the international relationships as they are the absolute requirement to liberate our original regions. And i can tell you, diplomacy is serious business - unlike internet and horses. After some time without any visible progress we had now managed to not only get an agreement by the us-president Alexander Hamilton and his congress about peace, but a third MPP with the military and political heavy weight Romania.

I will spare you the confusing details, which brought us in the government some serious headaches during the last week including today. Instead i can mention that we have additional positive signals from other very strong countries about MPPs. I don't want to name them as things always can change, instead i ask you to just cross your fingers. 😁

To conclude all my statements above - we have achieved a major breakthrough.

Economical frontier
As the remaining citizens in North Eastern India already know (because i sent dozens of personal msgs 😁) we have lowered the salaries and then finally closed all state companies except two. The problem is simply a worldwide raise of salaries and therefore again raw-supply issues. It is simply way to expensive to keep up food production under the current circumstances. Of course weapons or ticket production seems nearly impossible for the same reason. And we can't provide both high salaries and low prices - in the end the indian cititzens had to pay the price.

We sent all active and able people to Xinjiang, what was polish until yesterday. Their lost resistance war is a bit unpleasent but we're working on it (ok, as you are all smart guys you sure already have combined my statement above about more MPPs and the now chinese Xinjiang... 😁). So there is no need to worry. Just keep on working as you do right now, your purse will profit from the high salares as well as your strenght and health.

Also today the administration have implemented some new rules, including new ressources. (Check the worldmap) The ressources now working as productivity modificators and the underlying new goal is to get all ressources for the highest possible bonus. Of course only an extremely strong country will get all of them, as the ressoruces are allocated all over the world. If you want to know more about it, please read the indian forum here or read the official announcement in the eRepublik forum here.

And if we ignore our current reality for a short moment, we can state that eIndia is strategically in a very good situation. Simply check this article in the e-pakistani media to get the idea. ePakistan has the highest bonus of all countries right now... And now guess what happens, when the tides are turning. 😉

Community frontier
Due to massive efforts on the military sector we are finally at a level of growing an army that is worth this label. We have gathered the most loyal indians in groups of specific strenght and begun to provide food. This system is still in an early phase and despite some childhood problems (mainly caused by economical reasons) we have got a major success - and thats a revived indian community forum.

So if you have questions about the army (for example "where is my food" and "why still no one has responded my application") please don't hesitate and come to the forum. You can bug the officers with these and many other questions, because its their job now. Also, if you are already a veteran and don't need government support you can participate by becoming an IAF officer, helping newbies or just blaming me for being incompetent, because thats what has to happen in a healthy community. Where are the indian know-it-alls, come on, i don't bite! (The last statement was a blatant lie 😉)

Besides that we have the country president elections ahead and until now we have three persons who are interested in running for presidency. That is Neeraj, HSR12 (aka Timberjack) and Swathikrishnan. You can find the public debate about their candidacies and manifestos here. And i really invite you to join the discussion, because it's always motivating for a future CP to see the citizens active and interested.

Well, that much for today. I guess, when my term is over i will write more articles again. I'm not satisfied about my publication frequency during this term. But there was simply too much other things to do.

Truth and hard work triumphs!

PS: i wrote this text as it came to my mind, i will remove typos and wrong grammar later.