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A name that is cursed, yet admired all the same.

Burnt offerings...

13 Tag 1,045, 06:45 Veröffentlicht in India India

Truly the Gods savour sacrifice
But swell not too much Their holocausts
Lest you wake Their greed
And They devour the world...

Originally i thought to publish my shadow cabinet today, but watching the latest events and the legion of … mehr »

Hunger does not make bread bake faster...

16 Tag 1,041, 07:07 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hi everybody,

it took some time before I could bring myself to actually enter the race for presidency, but here i am. Not only because its my opinion that it is accompanied by a significant responsibility, but also because it is a little

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One ring to bring them all...

25 Tag 1,037, 06:21 Veröffentlicht in India India

... into the indian congress (would be nice to have).

Well, all you active readers most likely know the usual game around congress elections in India. And as the congress could be used as a weapon against, but as well in favor of indian

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Oh, wie schön ist Indien

25 Tag 1,030, 12:26 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany


da mich Ansis so freundlich darum gebeten hat, die deutsche Presselandschaft zu verschönern und das sogenannte Niewo anzuheben, will ich mal nicht so sein. Zumal Dr.Pain als unser Vorzeigeauswanderer auch schon länger nichts mehr in

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Hard-boiled wonderland...

12 Tag 1,022, 15:31 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hi everybody,

i have hesitated to write an article like this for some days. Especially after the land swap with serbia and the turmoil it created i hoped for some more activity besides bitching around, blaming everyone and running for the

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