With heart and mind - My candidacy for CP

Day 1,076, 11:32 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Dear eIndians,

Hereby i'd like to announce my candidacy for country presidency.
Initially i wanted to hand over the responsibility to a(nother) highly respected and capable candidate, but he isn't able to run this term due to recent rl events. So i have decided to run for a second term as eindian president.

If you are new to eRepublik and eIndia you might not know much about me, but to be the current country president. If you are interested, i recommend you to read earlier articles in my own newspaper and in the presidential newspaper (ofc only articles in this term).

Why should you vote for me? There are two good reasons:
-> First is me as CP can guarantee a continuous government work. Government work is a truckload of tasks. Even under the best circumstances a new president and a new staff in office have much to achieve and learn and manage in the first one or two weeks. And eIndia is really not in the situation what i call 'best circumstances'. My staff and i had in this term delivered what we promised and we will keep on this track to strenghten the indian community and liberate the eindian regions, which rightfully belongs to the eindian people.

-> Second, i personally have proved, that i work for eIndia and eIndia only with an enormous amount of time. I will continue a policy that brings eIndia back on the side with EDEN. And i will continue the re-structuring of the eindian government and its different branches. I'm quite cold-blooded and i'm able to make complicated and painful decisions under pressure of time without bitching around how mean the whole world is. Because in my opinion, my personal pride isn't important, but the wellbeing of eIndia and it's citizens is.

My goals during the next term
- continue our cooperation with USA and EDEN with the prompt goal to make MPPs with at least 2 EDEN members to bring battles for our citizens (thus supporting the individual growth of every citizen and supporting our domestic industries)
- as soon as we have enough MPPs and other military support starting to start resistance wars AND successfully defend regions under current pakistni control (and i have to stress out that this goal depends on tight cooperation with EDEN, what means it will take some time depending on the global battlefields. Without their support any RW or attack will be a waste of gold. And eIndia don't has a big treasury right now)
- expand the internal government reporting system, to secure indian possessions (orgs, companies and finances) and provide a sufficient degree of transparency (a realistic degree...)
- unite the military active citizens in a common army, namely the IAF. We are a small country and it is a big mistake that some people setting their personal ego above eindias interests by seperating the few soldiers we have. That doesnt mean everything what they do is wrong, but we need a centralized command and a good military coordination. We will adapt David Fordes suggestion on the current situation.

All in all, my staff and me want to continue to work every single day - unlike other persons who like to demand what we have to do, but then disappear until they have the next bright and superimportant idea. This is just distracting and it delays real progress. eIndia needs people who are working, instead of talking.

My staff for the next term:
President - Iseutz
vice-President - hsharma83
Ministry of foreign affairs - Denis Radman (plus ambassadors)
Ministry of Economy/Finance - RanaTstar
Ministry of Defense - Omegagamer (plus own staff of 1-2 ppl)
Ministry of Expansion - Swathikrishnan (plus own staff of 2-3 ppl)
National Police Force - Jelen od Potoka
Additional personnel - The German Eagle (head of congress), hsr12 (forum administration)

I have used this term to gather a reliable team. This wasn't easy because it's always hard to find many gifted players from a small user base. I'm glad that we have forged a group of competent and active people and i can only emphasize on the big advantage that comes from a team that is already used to target-oriented cooperation.

As always there are spots for newcomers who want to gather experience. Just msg one of the government members, we're happy about every loyal and dilligent new eIndian.

Jai hind! and thx for reading 😁