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0 Tag 872, 10:02 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/be-strong-brothers-romania-is-with-you-1295301/1/20mehr »

The MasterCard Empire Strikes Back (Episode 1: Physical flow of goods)

9 Tag 831, 07:42 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

It is a given fact that people try to use Real Life economy, politics, etc so that they can figure out how eRepublik works. This works sometimes, but sometimes it does not work.

Today I would like to start a short series about economy in

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26 Tag 826, 12:07 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

The talks initiated by Romania regarding the reform of EDEN alliance had some success. There was a document signed by 8 EDEN presidents (+ 3 more after) creating the background of a reform which should make the decision process of the alliance

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Buna dimineata

6 Tag 825, 23:09 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

"Active wars in Romania

This country is not involved in any war."


Have a good day citizens! 🙂

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Deciziile aliantei

3 Tag 820, 13:02 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Vad ca in ultima vreme a fost pus in discutie modul in care EDEN ia deciziile care implica tarile aliate.

Pana acum practic exista posibilitatea ca o tara EDEN sa intreprinda campanii militare pe cont propriu, iar pentru a promova o campanie la &

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