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A diplomatic view at the war in Europe

1 Tag 811, 12:24 Veröffentlicht in Poland Poland

It has been some time since I last wrote about the latest developments in the European war.

In my previous article I said that it is likely that EDEN will gain control of W Europe (which happened at least on a short term) and that UK will prove

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A diplomatic view at the war in Europe

16 Tag 811, 12:21 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

It has been some time since I last wrote about the latest developments in the European war.

In my previous article I said that it is likely that EDEN will gain control of W Europe (which happened at least on a short term) and that UK will prove

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Elections in Romania- results and expectations

6 Tag 810, 14:51 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

The Presidential elections in Romania and USA are now finished. There will be a new mandate for andyr in Romania and a new President for USA Josh Frost (although he was a President before).

Under the new administration we will be trying to

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Ambasada Romaniei in SUA- informare generala

12 Tag 805, 14:44 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Intrucat cred ca in ultimele 10 zile a existat un interes destul de ridicat legat de relatiile dintre Romania si SUA, probabil ca ar fi momentul sa mai ies un pic de la NAFTAlina pentru a da cateva mici explicatii legate de activitatea de ambasador

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EDEN charter- Romania

0 Tag 803, 14:10 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I would like to draw attention to an article stating some more down to earth position towards events in Romania and a possible debate on Eden charter:


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