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What is happening with EDEN?

12 Tag 1,061, 02:14 Veröffentlicht in Ukraine Ukraine

I woke up this morning and asked myself: what is happening with EDEN?

There is a fight in Ural, and all the EDEN people are fighting there. Official orders.

On the other hand, Romania- one of the allies- is being attacked heavily on its

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8 Tag 1,057, 09:40 Veröffentlicht in Ukraine Ukraine

Campaign in Russia should be stopped and territories conquered should be just defended.
Erasing Russia will bring a major baby boom in their country.

The focus should be now on Serbia and Hungary, otherwise they will gather pace and strike back.

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More about strategy: don't put all your eggs into two baskets either

5 Tag 1,054, 01:08 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Last article I just explained why it is not feasible for one country to rely on only one highly defended region (fortress) and dont have any alternative strategy in case the fortress is lost. Putting all your eggs into one basket- not good.


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About strategy: don’t put all your eggs in one basket

6 Tag 1,051, 22:58 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

(Sorry for English but article is for everyone to read)

We’are all aware of recent Phoenix moaning against new military module updates (all alliances are active, unlimited spending allowed etc). This has been on all news channels.

What they

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Drop the medals and fight!

10 Tag 894, 13:20 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

The battles in Hungary are very important and orders of MoD should be followed.


Please fight in Central Hungary and stop hunting

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