Day 826, 12:07 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

The talks initiated by Romania regarding the reform of EDEN alliance had some success. There was a document signed by 8 EDEN presidents (+ 3 more after) creating the background of a reform which should make the decision process of the alliance quicker and better.

Let’s have a look and see what these changes mean and how will they affect the way our alliance works.

The major change is that a council of EDEN presidents will be created. “A weekly meeting should be held between the presidents of the member states in order to establish the long-term, medium-term and short-term goals”. The main decisions of the alliance will be taken by the presidents.

But...how will the decisions be taken? Our president andyr initially said that they will be taken by unanimity. After that, probably it was acknowledged that too much diplomacy would have been involved to convince all members of the alliance to vote for specific decisions, so the final version is that 2/3 of presidents will have to vote in favour. Andyr said in his latest article that the first meeting of the presidents was due to take place and that decisions will be taken with a minimum of 66% of votes.

It is probably a good solution, since unanimity would mean: a. Too much diplomacy; b. Too much exposure to the enemy. Any TO in one of EDEN countries will block the whole decision process of the alliance.

The consequence of this major change is that EDEN.HQ becomes more of an executive and coordination body rather than decisional. This should have happened long time ago and perhaps some countries had the interest to maintain the system when EDEN.HQ was taking the decisions. It is a basic rule that whoever holds the resources makes the decisions. EDEN.HQ did not have resources of their own but was based on the contribution of individual countries to sponsor the campaigns. This change was meant to happen.

Another consequence of the two above changes is that EDEN.HQ members resigned and were replaced with new people (except mihail.cazacu). The structure of the new EDEN.HQ was presented by mihail.cazacu and couple of interesting facts should be underline😛
a. The supreme commander of the EDEN.HQ is from Finland. However, going thru the signatories of the reform documentation it is interesting that Finland is the only EDEN country who DID NOT sign the document (andyr said that 11 out of 12 countries signed; also he was asked specifically why Finland did not sign and he denied to reply).
b. There is no representative from Poland in EDEN.HQ. Am not sure if this was because Poland was not interested to get a non-decision position or whether they were unhappy with the result of the negotiation. smrtan was impeached before publishing the reform document. For sure the “new” president of Poland (EMC member) participated in the first meeting of EDEN presidents.

According to our president the future looks bright for EDEN. There is reform, the decision process will be much quicker.

So what is the problem then?

I always said that andyr should leave diplomats mind their own business. He should rather focus on military subjects where he is more qualified.

His article praises Romania brave actions towards reform in EDEN. We have a saying in Romanian starting like this: “lauda de sine...”. Other countries or presidents should have praised Romania if our role was indeed of such importance that we changed the whole system of the alliance. A little bit of humility will do much better especially that we got by now the attention of everyone with our actions and our actions were not only carrot but also stick (and sometimes the sticks hurt). We should apologize to the other alliance members for being forced to use "stick" to get them into rethinking the way alliance works rather than praising ourselves over and over.

The other aspect is the relation with Poland. Poland is now the first military power in EDEN and their voice should have a big impact. They don’t have a representative in EDEN.HQ and also the president who signed the reform document is not in power anymore. I would be a bit concerned about what’s happening. I have a hint someone in Romania is not very popular over there.