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trolled hard

Even more proof SEES is great

18 Dia 944, 22:27 Publicado em USA USA

Note: V is a Rizon Admin.
I had permission to post this screenshot from all owners. … mais informações »

Im in the V2 beta : D My opinion enclosed.

5 Dia 938, 14:00 Publicado em USA USA

But i still like the change to be honest. and i got 600 gold and 2000 of each currency to start off.
See you guys on the battlefield 😃mais informações »

Random things you should know.

50 Dia 927, 14:24 Publicado em USA USA

1. Im voting for chocolate McSkittles

2. Pizza the Ajay is also running for President

mais informações »

A rather uninteresting article

10 Dia 915, 20:52 Publicado em USA USA

Subscribe to my organizations mais informações »

Halfie for Kongress

22 Dia 913, 19:14 Publicado em USA USA


[img][/img] … mais informações »