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trolled hard

My last V1 article

4 Dia 959, 00:01 Publicado em USA USA

If you are quitting send me your gold okay?

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GF day logs from where this event began.

9 Dia 956, 17:46 Publicado em USA USA informações »

Gettin down to business

9 Dia 955, 09:38 Publicado em USA USA

During GF's Reign of Terror/Fun :> i was given 4FP in addition to the 3.5 I already had, bringing me to 7.5. Which broke my old record of 6.5. Admin removed all my FP so now i am down to 0 FP for the first time in 4 months. I am going to be

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That tickles Poland

13 Dia 954, 07:10 Publicado em Poland Poland

Your Nebraska is tickling my Kansas. Can you move it a little to the left?
Teehee :>

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I was banned last night. Send me a friend request ^_^

3 Dia 954, 03:12 Publicado em USA USA

I was banned during GF's reign of terror last night lol.

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