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trolled hard

Halfie for Hawaii

15 Dia 913, 11:10 Publicado em USA USA

Im running for congress in hawaii but i just got a job and am busy all weekend. Ill pay someone 2 gold to write me a Kongress platform PM it to me and the best one wins. Write it in a style i would write in. ill be back at 19:00 erep time 😃

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So i PTO'd one of Ajay Bruno's Parties

16 Dia 908, 08:44 Publicado em South Africa South Africa

Irony is delicious, is it not?
\o/ … mais informações »

You made the right choice America. Thank for making me PP of the broliance party

11 Dia 908, 08:42 Publicado em USA USA

or should i say The thanks for the gold Pizza party

Thank you very much America

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Pizza the hut.

14 Dia 907, 22:34 Publicado em USA USA

Your move
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America, I need you.

9 Dia 907, 08:48 Publicado em USA USA

I never ask anything of you except to vote and subscribe my amazing articles. But now i need you to do something useful for me. You see this party? It is

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