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trolled hard

Im leaving ;=;

24 Dia 906, 18:59 Publicado em USA USA

Ill be on again tomorrow

Picture unrelated

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Sweet, you have all your regions back : >

11 Dia 905, 04:14 Publicado em South Africa South Africa

First of all congrats, i have never seen you with all your regions since i started playing.
Second, before you start to Phuza or whatever the hell its called,
Congress elections

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I found this

12 Dia 904, 18:07 Publicado em USA USA

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Giving out free weapons to fight in Liaoning

388 Dia 903, 05:03 Publicado em USA USA

Just post in here and when i get back from my College classes ill send between 3 and 5 weps per person. I only have 52 gold to spend so don't go crazy. Only applicable if you have EDEN citizenship or allied to EDEN Citizenship. No need to pay me

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I have **** to do so here is/are the gold winner(s)

12 Dia 901, 15:38 Publicado em USA USA

Eugene Harlot
[url=http://www. … mais informações »