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trolled hard

Facepalms of the eRepublik World : D

6 Dia 953, 15:14 Publicado em USA USA

Its exactly what it sounds like.

Basically, 10-15 citizens of each country sends me a picture of themselves facepalming which i will put into a gigantic collage. I will them combine them all with each citizens name under the corresponding picture

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Chocblock \o/

13 Dia 947, 21:37 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

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Help me help you Poland.

6 Dia 947, 09:26 Publicado em Poland Poland
I made an article telling here to fight and if it had more votes people would see it. The guy in charge of DoD paper is in school i … mais informações »

Since the DoD orders arent being updated (/me coughs)

12 Dia 947, 09:19 Publicado em USA USA

We are supposed to be fighting in Scotland
Basically, move to Poland and fight in that battle so we can landbridge Poland over to the eUS. That is all my little hamstas.

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Halfie Vs Dan Wang in Arizona

13 Dia 946, 20:45 Publicado em USA USA

Be there
Note: link is inactive as Congressional Elections haven't started

[img][/[/img] … mais informações »