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Personal mouth piece of Franz Kafka. See also this publication:

Foreign Affairs - Initial Analysis (الشؤون الخارجية)

14 Dia 1,158, 21:40 Publicado em Egypt Egypt

See and vote for my latest article, here:

If you find this article useful, please press the VOTE button

Egypt is likely to be a prosperous land … mais informações »

مرحبا مصر

11 Dia 1,158, 12:47 Publicado em Egypt Egypt

See my latest article on Foreign Affairs here:

Marhaban Masr!

It is so exciting to see Egypt born in the eWorld... I know it has been a long

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Message of support to the citizens of Czech Republic

17 Dia 820, 09:09 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

To all Czech citizens,

I have been following what has gone on in your beloved country and it makes me sad.

I understand that some Czechs support the action (though may have issues with the way it has been done), and others fully oppose it.

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[VOTE] Hail Poland! Hail Israel! Hail EDEN! [PL/EN]

48 Dia 784, 21:32 Publicado em Poland Poland


Shalom Poland!
! שלום פולין
Pozdrowienia Polsko!

Polscy obywatele, przyjaciele, bracia i siostry! Piszę do Was by uczcić przyjaźń polsko-izaelską, tą rzeczywistą oraz w celu wzmocnienia naszych wzajemnych stosunków w … mais informações »

Support Israel and Czech Republic!

26 Dia 738, 02:29 Publicado em USA USA

I'm the first to say I hate these things... and now look I've started one!

Here's the campaign: If I reach Media Mogul status I will donate 150 gold:

75 gold to Czech Republic
75 gold to Israel

That's 3/4 of an MPP for each

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