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Personal mouth piece of Franz Kafka. See also this publication:

Franz Kafka to donate 150 gold

15 Dia 738, 02:25 Publicado em Israel Israel

I'm the first to say I hate these things... and now look I've started one!

Here's the campaign: If I reach Media Mogul status I will donate 150 gol😛

75 gold to Czech Republic
75 gold to Israel

That's 3/4 of an MPP for each country!

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Franz Kafka to donate 150 gold

6 Dia 738, 02:24 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

I'm the first to say I hate these things... and now look I've started one!

Here's the campaign: If I reach Media Mogul status I will donate 150 gol😛

75 gold to Czech Republic
75 gold to Israel

That's 2/3 of an MPP for each country!

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My endorsement, for what it's worth...

6 Dia 737, 15:28 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

I've been reviewing the Presidential candidates for Czech Republic, and what do I find?

Weinfass has been selected by Nezavislost.

I cannot think of a better candidate for President. He has shown dedication and wisdom for many

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Company for sale

0 Dia 668, 08:25 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Hey there - I'm selling up my weapons company in Czech Republic. Not got enough time to manage so many companies...

It's for sale at 19 gold. Would cost you 20 gold to set up new.

There are 3 inactive workers - which can be helpful in

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Letter from Jerusalem

7 Dia 653, 09:18 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear Czech friends,

It's been a while since I left our beautiful country to pursue a political career in Israel. This is just a message to you to check in, say hi, to remind you that I haven't forgotten you and the country of my ebirth (and I

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