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Personal mouth piece of Franz Kafka. See also this publication:

Czech's help me please :)

7 Dia 606, 02:22 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

I'm running for Congress in Israel - it'd be great if you could help me out - vote this article up so that I can get noticed in Israel:

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Possible Hungarian TO of Czech Republic

22 Dia 604, 10:03 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

Czech Republic has lost to parties to a PTO. Undertaken largely by multi-accounts from Hungary. In private conversation one of the TO candidates has declared that the TO is from Hungary.

I ask the Hungarian government:

1. Is this true?

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Call to all parties

10 Dia 604, 09:56 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

I'll make this call, and then leave it to you to heed it, or to allow the mulltis to destroy our country.

We have lost 2 parties to multis. We must co-ordinate the next elections to keep hold of Congress.

So I appeal to party Presidents to

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Well we lost 2 parties

15 Dia 604, 00:17 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

We've lost two parties. Yesterday morning US had 21 members and CL had 16. As of now US has 50 members and CL has 45 - so clearly a TO has taken place.

They had a good strategy. They only imported enough votes to win the elections. They

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Cesti Librelove Elections

13 Dia 603, 03:43 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

This morning CL had 15 members. Then I joined to protect aginst the TO - so then there were 16 members. Now there are 21 members. I've looked through the new members and I think some or all of these are part of the TO. I have also noted some

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