Support Israel and Czech Republic!

Day 738, 02:29 Published in USA Egypt by Franz Kafka

I'm the first to say I hate these things... and now look I've started one!

Here's the campaign: If I reach Media Mogul status I will donate 150 gold:

75 gold to Czech Republic
75 gold to Israel

That's 3/4 of an MPP for each country!

To reach this goal, we need more than just Israelis and Czechs to vote for this. We need to spread the word to our friends in other countries - in particular America.

What you have to do is:

1. Subscribe, and stay subscribed until I reach 1,000 subscribers.

2. Shout a link to this article and ask everyone to subscribe.

You all know me, I'm a man of my word and I will make the full donation upon reaching 1,000 subscribers.

Franz Kafka