مرحبا مصر

Day 1,158, 12:47 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

See my latest article on Foreign Affairs here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/foreign-affairs-initial-analysis--1648401/1/20

Marhaban Masr!

It is so exciting to see Egypt born in the eWorld... I know it has been a long struggle - for more than a year now, various citizens and organisations, in particular TAGE have been lobbying for Arab countries to be added.

Well at last we have Egypt! And I have high hopes that of all the new countries Egypt, with an RL population of over 80 million should be in the best position to fend off PTO.

And on the subject of PTO - I have bitter experience, having lived for a large part of my elife in eCzech Republic - there is already and will be more talk of PTO and anti-PTO - and you can be sure that there will soon be PTO'ers masquerading as anti-PTO teams. I cannot tell you who is who right now, but I can say that I have a lot of confidence in the people that have set up the Arab Liberal Party - so I'm putting my trust in them. You can read more about them here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/please-read-this-if-your-moving-to-an-arab-state-are-uae-ksa--1644947/1/20 - TAGE have written a good article in wiki explaining their views/position: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/TAGE

We have a lot to discuss about where this country goes from here - and whilst I know that TAGE have brought us this far, I do hope that we can establish a Forum and an IRC chat that all citizens can join in order to discuss issues about how our country develops. Here are some things I'd like to see discusse😛

1. Egyptian constitution
2. Set up of a National Bank (or perhaps several in order to spread risk)
3. Early finalisation of a new citizens message - in Arabic (Egyptian dialect) and English
4. Set up of Forum and IRC chat
5. Establish an official exchange rate and supply Egyptian Pounds to the money market so that our businesses can get cash and they can offer jobs.

By way of declaration of interest - I have candidated for congress in Red Sea district under the Arab Liberal Party. I have applied for official support for my candidature.

I truely hope that together we can make eEgypt a successful e-country!

Franz Kafka