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Personal mouth piece of Franz Kafka. See also this publication:

A Petition

12 Dia 1,174, 03:51 Publicado em Egypt Egypt

We have had the most successful birth of a new nation out of the three Arab countries that joined eRepublic this month.

And I think we can put that down to strong, but inclusive leadership by Heboo, and the responsible ATO support we received

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Ministry of Education - A New Citizen Message!

12 Dia 1,174, 01:06 Publicado em Egypt Egypt


The Ministry of Education has the pleasure to present to you the new Citizen Message. This has been discussed on the eEgypt Forums for the appropriate time period, and will soon be proposed to congress by our newly elected President

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A major political shift in our region!

9 Dia 1,163, 21:03 Publicado em Egypt Egypt

Greece AND Turkey co-operating against Iran, Serbia, and ... then who else?

There is a sizemic shift in international relations underway, which upsets all our nascent international relations calculations.

Have a read of this excellent article

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Make a vote for progress!

3 Dia 1,162, 20:44 Publicado em Egypt Egypt

The next congress has a big challenge on its hands, we need experienced expert players to make it work, to make our country a success.

I hope that you will consider voting for me:

Franz Kafka - Arab Liberal Party.

Please see some of my

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Economy / الاقتصاد

12 Dia 1,160, 04:16 Publicado em Egypt Egypt

Egypt: Trade and Economic Development

Today I want to raise issues regarding how we can promote business, job creation and development of an internationally competitive economy.

First to say, we’re not in bad sorts – there is … mais informações »