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10 Day 348, 11:36 Published in Ireland Ireland

Can Congressmen please use up one of there votes to cast a proposal on the following Products for 99% Import tax

Gifts, Weapons, Travel and Housing.

And also on the following Raw Material Companys

Grain, Iron.

As president im unable to

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IFP Presidential Manifesto

4 Day 347, 14:43 Published in Ireland Ireland

Phew, took a bit of time to get it around all the members and some of the partys that are supporting me, but its finally done! Would like to thank everyone in IFP for there feedback and ideas on this manifesto, it wouldnt be as good as it is without

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Hospital Vote

27 Day 345, 04:20 Published in Ireland Ireland

Bloody stupid v1 eRepublik.

For some reason its decided to call a vote, even tho the hospital is in place, and the moneys transfered!

Had I of known it was going to call a vote ide of stuck something on the forums, doh, congress please vote

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Our Economy

6 Day 344, 15:59 Published in Ireland Ireland

I thought I would post some Articles to address some issues some people have pointed out recently to do with the eIrish Economy.

Firstly I beleive that we are exiting our Economic slump, products are starting to sell, Raw Materials starting to

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All Congress Read

2 Day 343, 10:44 Published in Ireland Ireland

Alot of you are new to congress, others have been here before.

As Congress get alot of new powers in v1 we decided on the forums, that we would discuss all proposals before we propose them here in eRepublik, allowing atleast 24 hours discussion.

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