IFP Presidential Manifesto

Day 347, 14:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Phew, took a bit of time to get it around all the members and some of the partys that are supporting me, but its finally done! Would like to thank everyone in IFP for there feedback and ideas on this manifesto, it wouldnt be as good as it is without you!

Onwards with the manifesto!

I received some feedback on my last manifesto, which as a .pdf, sadly some couldnt view it, so this time ive decided to produce it in 3 different versions, they are.

HTML Version


Google Docs

http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgf rb37_1cjv8v4gh

PDF Document


A ppologies in advance for them not being clickable, but well... appears that v1 still has some bugs when it comes to links...

Hopefully this time everyone is able to view my manifesto outside the limitations of eRepublik!

See you all November 5th, where im sure, Fireworks will fly 😉