New Citizen Fee

Day 349, 11:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Ive Recently made a post over on the new eIreland forums regarding New Citizen Fees,

I would appreciate if people could vote, sign if they agree, and post any other comments on the forum post.

Here is the article ive written, for those who are unable to access the forums or are yet to signup.

I would herby like to open a discussion to restore the new citizen fee to 10IEP.

I dont think people have fully understood exactly why it needs to be 10IEP, our own health minister was originally in support of the reduction, but after a discussion with myself he agreed that it shouldnt be reduced.

Firstly I would like to point peoples attention towards this, the new wellness information for v1

Its a bit of a read, but basically in short, the smaller the level of wellness you have, the easier it is for you to increase it; at the same time, the higher the wellness level you have, the more difficult it is to increase it.

When you begin erepublik, you start with i beleive 5 Q1 food, and 50 wellness, now natrually people will get a job, however just working in a Q1 industry, will keep your wellness, with Q1 food at a steady, 50, no change. However, once a new player hits level 2, they are able to train, with Q1 food, they drop 1 wellness point per day. But this is only if you work in a Q1 company, we all know there isnt that many Q1 companys out there in eIreland due to them being inefficent, thus people would be working in atleast Q2 if not more, this is a drop of 2 points using Q2 food!

In order to turn working in Q2 into a positive, and train aswell, a player would need to eat, Q2 to maintain the 50 wellness, or Q3 to begin making a positive impact. Idealy we would want people to have Q4 to really boost up there wellness.

Now, with 5IEP, yes a player can buy some food to keep them going, but naturally those with little cash, buy cheaper food, its a natural thing, which the majority of people follow. However even if they do buy Q4 food, the road to buying a house is a long one.

We idealy want every single citizen to have a house, the benifits of a house are huge! just a Q2 house boosts wellness alot added with Q3 or Q4 food.

Wellness directly effects productivity, the higher someones wellness, the more a worker produces, currently the system most companys adopt is to gift there workers, and also the government, and health minister gift alot!

All the information on the wellness calculations can be found here ... llnesscalc Check it out you will be hugely shocked!

10IEP is the minimum we should give our new citizens, infact I would move to provide them with 25IEP to start with!

OK, so why boost it? simple, more money, and a little informaton to new people allows them to boost there wellness on there own means, which ultimately saves on gifts, money from gifts can then be used to aid in housing. Investing in new people is what is important, a good start to eIreland is whats needed for every single citizen!

Some will argue that we dont have the cash, with over 120,000IEP in the treasury, what the heck are we going to buy with it all? Also even when the New Citizen Fee was 10IEP, the treasury grew, even tho eIreland has seen a bigger influx of new citizens in a very long time!

I herby propose pushing the New Citizen Fee to 25IEP, this will aid new people into being able to be more self sufficent in terms of there wellness, will aid government spending into housing rather than gifts, we all know houses are a much better long term solution than gifts, and ultimately, invest in new people who we want to remain with us in this game!