How eIreland Ranks

Day 350, 12:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Experiance Points - 20
GDP - 20
Number Of Companys - 21
Population - 19
Strength - 19
Exports - 6
Imports - 5
Unemployment - 16

Whats most intresting by this is that eIreland is the 6th largest exporter in eRepublik! and were the 5th largest on Imports! Yet rank about half way in companys and unemployment.

We currently have an Unemployment rate of 49.22%!

We deffinatly need to work on the Unemployment over the next month! this will then boost our GDP, Exports and probably Imports!

Given our size, and current influx of new Citizens, eIreland is infact performing amazingly well, infact one of the strongest countrys now in v1 of eRepublik!

Ill keep an eye on our stats and let people know if anything changes!