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Donations: 32.5% - CM Wake UP!!!

7 Day 1,870, 14:10 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hi to evryone! I'm a little bit surprise....we have no country you could say......well you are wrong!

We are the country, this is a game, and … read more »

New Congress members, The State Need your Help!

11 Day 1,863, 13:49 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hi to everyone! We are in front of a bigger Storm....we thought this was everything, but it's not. During this month, the state will need your colaboration more than never.

Current Sitation:
- 7 PTO's into the congress,

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Hold your vote!

12 Day 1,862, 01:48 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


This is the official article of the elections and the admins seems to not understand one part:

Please everyone move as we explain in the past:

I already

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Congress Members...the Debts!

10 Day 1,859, 04:52 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Ok mates, we are 2 days before the elections and as always, i want to let you the list of people that didn't donate in the past the 5 gold from the medal:

Neta12 25 - Jul 2012 - Aug 2012 - Sept/2012 - Oct 2012 - Nov 2012
EvilPsycho 20 - May/

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Am Israel Chai Party! Welcome you All!

10 Day 1,853, 06:55 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I want to thank you all for the support you gave me!

Now, to the action!

Party President Office:
Is open, i will receive each PM; and i will try to answer ASAP. I want to here suggestions, ideas, and everything you think is … read more »