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Cabinet - February 2013 [ENG/HEB]

20 Day 1,905, 12:51 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The Cabinet!

CP: danis1982
Choosen by the people, i want to thank you all for this posibility. I will do my best!

vCP: SandalaiM
Ido! The Zorcane! a … read more »


9 Day 1,904, 02:52 Published in Israel Israel Battle orders Battle orders

Mates, this is what is going on around us. For almost 2 weeks Greece is trying to reject the FYROM avance and this is way:

We are going to liberate Israel, but we dont want to be

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Planning the Battle I [ENG/HEB]

14 Day 1,903, 03:31 Published in Israel Israel Battle orders Battle orders

I know the election will be tomorrow but we need to be ready! And thats why i'm writting this time!

As you know already im making arrangements for a RW, to liberate our Nation!

We will not fight alone, but our current situation it's awful.

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danis1982 for CP [ENG/HEB]

39 Day 1,901, 01:17 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Full Biography of danis1982 ביוגרפיה מלאה של

Mates, after months of no real activity from the gouvernment, i think its time for me to start thinking higher.

The Past:[read more »

New Map Preview!

13 Day 1,898, 01:37 Published in Israel Israel Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

First the Commanders of the MU get the chance to see it.
Then the PP get the chance, and now i want to give the chance to everyone to see it as well.

Let start, How Israel looks today:

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