Donations: 32.5% - CM Wake UP!!!

Day 1,870, 14:10 Published in Israel Israel by danis1982

Hi to evryone! I'm a little bit surprise....we have no country you could say......well you are wrong!

We are the country, this is a game, and as in Real life, we know how to live without land, and how to take it back!

I'm not part of the Gouvernment, i'm a Citizen like anybody else here. And we all need to do our part!

For the Congress Members! please donate the medal, we need it, if we want to make a plan to take back our state!

We were here under eTurkey ocupation.
We were here under eCyprus ocupation.
We were here under eIran ocupation.

And we took our country back!


We are here under eSerbian ocupation.

It could take time, but we will do it!

IMPORTNAT: I would like also to remember to every Congress member to NOT ACCEPT CZ REQUEST Without the approval of the Government.

Now the list of people that they should donate the gold from their medal to the state:

2 a neria Israel First
3 ArikAharon Israel First (+5 GOL😨 Oct/12)
5 asafasaff FoxHound Academy
7 Barazuca Israel First
8 BenGurion1 Samsons Party - PTO
10 cautionsss My Israel - PTO
11 Crossover MC Israel First
14 givati187 Israel First (+5 GOL😨 Jul/12)
15 Hadara Hit Samsons Party - PTO
16 halfon1 Israelis Party
17 Hapoel Petach Tikva Israel First
18 idanrcool Israel First
23 N e x F o X Samsons Party - PTO
24 Niv Sadeh Israel First
25 Peacefull My Israel - PTO
27 Roni Rubin Israel First
29 RuviG Israelis Party
30 Sergeant Autumn Israel First
31 Shoham Israel Israelis Party
32 Super 8 FoxHound Academy
33 T.GodFather Israelis Party
35 ViorKerzner Israel First
36 wars33 My Israel - PTO
37 Zionism My Israel - PTO

To Arrange your donation, please contact our CP, Michael II Augustus

And Of course, there is people that already did their contribution to the state:

34 tsahi K Israel First
6 avnerba Israel First (YET: +10 GOL😨 Jun/12 & Jul/12)
19 Kiochan Israelis Party
1 A Chainsaw Israel First
9 BmGolubovic Israel First
28 RozenXStyle Israelis Party
20 Light Bulb Israelis Party
4 Asaf1999 Israelis Party
21 LiorD Israel First (+5 GOL😨 Jul/12)
26 romshaked Israelis Party
12 Doreen Christopple FoxHound Academy
13 dpdevil Israel First
22 MrBannana Israelis Party

Am Israel Chai!