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IMPORTANT to all PP! And eIsraelis in general! KM Elections!

17 Day 1,829, 03:16 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hi to everyone!!! Ok, so in 3 days we are going to have the Congress election, and as always i have the list of people that didnt donate the gold in the past.

EvilPsycho 20 - May/2012 - Jun 2012 - Jul 2012 - Aug 2012
Neta12 20 - Jul 2012 -

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Who do you think you are...Joe Franco?

28 Day 1,823, 01:34 Published in Israel Israel Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Greatings eRepublikans! Here we have the most powerful person in all eIsrael with us!

Some people call him de Messiah, Other ones, the best president eIsrael had ever, yet the most beloved and powerful member of our community is

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87.5% of donations and counting, Please do your part!

18 Day 1,814, 13:30 Published in Israel Israel Financial business Financial business

Ok people only 5 people left to donate the gold to the state. We already saw the article of Liransin and of [url=

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Formic Dead, it's Oficial!

40 Day 1,811, 15:12 Published in Israel Israel Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This is an Official anouncment:

Formic's Profile
Discover dead on November 2nd, 2012 by Shoham Israel[/

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2nd Interview with the Candidates [ENG/HEB]

9 Day 1,809, 17:47 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

2nd Interview with the Candidates [ENG/HEB] and with eynetane* [ENG]

*: eynetane was going to run for CP, and he anbswer the austions when i send him, so lets see also his view on this.

Thank you all for the read more »