Am Israel Chai Party! Welcome you All!

Day 1,853, 06:55 Published in Israel Israel by danis1982
I want to thank you all for the support you gave me!

Now, to the action!

Party President Office:
Is open, i will receive each PM; and i will try to answer ASAP. I want to here suggestions, ideas, and everything you think is relevant for the develope of the country! I already open in RIZON the new Channel #AmIsraelChai, you can find me there usually during day time.... of course i canot be there 24/7, but if not you can send me a PM.

The Short, the Medium and the Long Term:
We have a little reestructuration, as you can see we had changes in the political area, we are going, i hope, to welcome new players from other parties.
We need to position the Party, as a Formal Party, a long time one. The party that people can trust!

The new Name:
"Am Israel Chai" Is already official.

The Avatar:
The Flag of Israel, the Talit, Our Flag is our best symbol. Is already official.

The Orientation:
Center. Is already official.

The Members of the Party:
To be member of the party, it will be not so hard, I want people that want to have fun in the game and to improve Israel as well.

The Am Israel Chai Chat In RIZON
Wikipage Ready!

I will not choose by finger what i want to do. I want to know if someone of you want to occupay the following positions:
- Party Vice President
- Secertary General
- Councillor
- Spokesman

Also, the congressmembers election are in 8 days, so everyone can apply for the Kneset.
As i already say i will not run....i don't think is proper from the PP be also a CM.
If you want to be Congress Member and you have any particular reason let me know, i will arrange the list by logic and respect. And i want also to give chance to new need to be at least 6 month old in the game, and to be active player. If you run this time for the kneset i will try to give oportunity to someone else the next month.

Thank you again!

Here we have the list of the congress members that the state is waiting to donate the 5 GOL😨

10 favoruteman My Israel
11 giladrubin The New Badass Party
23 Neta12 My Israel (+20 GOL😨 Jul/12, Aug/12, Sept/12 & Oct/12)
37 wars33 My Israel

To arrange your Donation, please make contact with:
-MoF, Tom Kafir

And of course, here we have the list of people that already made their donations of November!

5 danis1982 Israel First
29 RuviG Israelis Party
35 tsahi K Israel First
16 Joe Franco The New Badass Party
25 Rickolas The New Badass Party
36 ViorKerzner Israel First
24 Omer Rozenfeld Israelis Party
15 idozzxxcc Israel First
30 Sam Krak The New Badass Party
21 Mr.Paranoid The New Badass Party
31 SandalaiM The New Badass Party
1 a neria Israel First
9 Eysh Israel First
19 Kostia Stashenko Israel First
39 xMikiGOx Israelis Party
3 ArikAharon Israel First (Yet, 5 GOLD from OCT/2012)
20 Light Bulb Israelis Party
38 WolfHof Israel First
22 MrBannana Israelis Party
2 AnrechyTimoty Israel First
18 Kiochan Israelis Party
13 Idan Shaull Israelis Party
33 Shoham Israel Israelis Party
12 Hapoel Petach Tikva Israel First
14 idanrcool Israel First
34 Sicarius Israel First
4 BIackMamba Israelis Party
6 Doreen Christopple Israelis Party
8 eynetane The eParvadomus Party
40 Yoav_Israel Israel First (+10 GOL😨 Jun/12 & Jul/12)
7 dpdevil Israel First
32 Sergeant Autumn Israel First
27 roi54 Israelis Party
28 Roni Rubin The New Badass Party
17 K0munista The New Badass Party (+10 GOL😨 Jun/12 & Jul/12)
26 RoaiTG Israel First

Am Israel Chai!