Be Informed

Day 440, 13:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

If you get a message like this:

'Dear fellow citizen,
you may have noticed that we are once again approaching the election time. There has however been a undemocratic development, 3 main parties have sided against the UKRP, limiting your choice of candidates from 5 to 2. This is something that cant be accepted and YOU shouldnt allow to happen.
If YOU want to do your country a favour, join the UKRP, and on February the 5th vote for jerryGFL as the next President.
Once you have decided to join the party please make sure you go and sign up for the UK forums found at as well as requesting access to the UKRP party forum.
I have also sent you a friendship request.
Thank you for your time, trusting you will make the right decision.
Yours sincerely
Rasi, on behalf of the UK Reform Party'

Remember that its only one side of the story. You may well agree with it, but I suggest you read about the coalition to see both sides. I also would ask you to read both manifestos, and judge which is the better candidate, rather than just voting based a reason like the the members who are in the coalition.