PCP: The Futures Bright, The Futures Boblo

Day 449, 03:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

The names Boblo, Bob Boblo, and I'm proud to announce my candidature for PCP Party President. In recent times, we've blessed with a great leader, and replacing Stan is an unenviable task. PCP is party that has and can play a huge role in eUK politics, we have capable members, we have firm ideals, and we have a wealth of experience. Anyone that questions our status as one of the UKs political powerehouses is plain wrong, and we need a leader capable of maintaing this and building on the illustrious history of our great party, and I'm confident that with the backing of the party, I can. So, I humbly request that you read this article, and consider placing a vote for the man they call Boblo.

I'm not foolish enough to see this a role exclusve for experienced members, and I'm not going to use my experience to demand your vote. I am going to give it a quick mention. Having been an NHS Director, a mayor, a 7 term congressman, minister of work, I'm now plying my trade as Minister of Health, putting me in a position where I have a lot more experience than the other candidates. Some would say I'm not serious enough, but if so they're misjudging my contribution.

Though focusing more on PCP,I've been a member for 9 months, and from the day I joined as an erepublik noob, to the day I took my place in the cabinet processions I've always been actively involved in even the most trivial and tedious of party tasks. Yes, experience shouldn't be much of a factor in PP elections, but commitment and dedication should be, and they have always been my forte.

Onto party policy, and internally, there are only a few things I plan to adress, becuase Stan, as ever, was very successful in structuring things. I will look to get the Wephenist committees up and running again. I'll also be looking to revive the buddy scheme to help out new members.

In the recent presidential election, the 'sheep vote' was destroyed, mutilated, ripped to shreds. It is clear, that a strong enough meassage and a strong enough candidate, can overcome this. So, PCP will be finished with coalitions. Don't expect any more with us. It simply will not happen. If we aren't putting a candidate forward we will endorse who we think is best, but negotiating coalitions with other parties shall be a thing of the past. The ONE excpetion is a takeover coup, but I firmly believe that should go without saying.

Finally, to the veteran members, the new members, those from PCP and those from other parties, those who love me, those who hate me, those acive on the forum and those not, the hardliners, the socialists, the free-marketeers, the workers, the GMs, the RL UKers, the adopted UKers, the serious, the light hearted, the men, the women, the Dioists and the cabbage followers. To all of you, I have the same message:

Lets make the eUK better. Together.
