Okolje ON/OFF

A box-full of woman

2 Dan 543, 07:43 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

Returning from the incident at Rådhustorget, we decided to have a quick chat with the woman in the basement. She was an old girlfriend of mine, which I had to let go. Basically because I couldn't keep up with her apetite for physical interaction.

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The Great Escape

0 Dan 506, 17:41 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

"I'd like to open an account please", I said to the girl behind the desk at Danske Bank.

The incident in the shower triggered an attack from the smokes. As 7emp felt the strange smell of woman, he started rushing around the apartment trying to

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A woman's touch

11 Dan 468, 17:17 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

The drive to my Q4 flat in central København didn't take long. Most of the city had been brutally butchered by the attacking hordes of Swedes, and little mercy was given to the buildings either. Since then, most flats stood empty - and with my long

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1 Dan 457, 18:55 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

Yet, noone came out. Instead the entire building went completely silent. Even the cameras stopped moving. I'm not sure for how lov I held my breath. Then BAM, another round of the same sound came unannounced, like a kick in the groind. Then another

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3 Dan 438, 12:42 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

These smokes were getting the best of me. I could feel how they somehow drained me with every breath I took. I had learned to anticipate the low moments better and smoking had now become a strictly planned activity. I could take five hours at a time,

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