
Day 438, 12:42 Published in Denmark Denmark by pho3nix

These smokes were getting the best of me. I could feel how they somehow drained me with every breath I took. I had learned to anticipate the low moments better and smoking had now become a strictly planned activity. I could take five hours at a time, but after that it was up to Guniess to keep count of my last minutes. Somehow, these smokes made me feel empty. It was like they simulated the old philosophical problem "think about "nothing"". You actually lost most of your thoughts when whatever it was kicked in.

I didn't even notice the train rolling in. Long gone were the smooth-riding Öresund trains that use to commute the bridge, connecting Denmark to it's occupiers homeland. The "new" trains brought thoughts of nazi concentration camps to mind, since it was old worn freight trains that ran over. The Bält bridges still stood, so for the Swedes it wasn't logical to fly or ship their wares around the border. Instead, they sealed all their goods and had a constant warning of war towards the country - should the cargo be tampered with. Noone wanted to take the risk of trying to rob the trains. We didn't even know if they contained booby traps.

While my iris changed diameter to that of a needle, 7empl4r had already gotten into a fight. He was big, furry, but worst of all - he smelled. Most people couldn't handle it, but the swedes were genetically prohibited to tell him to his face. Here in Denmark, things apeared to be diffrent. Picking a fight with a 250 kg bear seemed rather stupid, but these guys had shown some balls previously. One of his roars woke me up from my state of braindeath. He was already on his back legs, ready to throw one of his paws in a cocky Dane's face.

Acting quickly, I threw the ice-cream I had started before it was cigarette-time towards the dane's feet. It had started to melt, even though the weather was rather rough down in Hovedbangården. I could see it spin in the air, gently spreading a stream of Q3 cream into the air and onto the platform. It landed precisely where I had wanted it to, making the dane slip and fall to his back. 7empl4r missed his punch and was able to calm himself down before charging up another one. He had two bags tied to his back, money sticking out from every edge of it. Discression was an unknown term for this bear, but it didn't really matter. He must have packed it himself, but who had helped him get it on his back? Could it have been his constantly drunk brother? It must have been... After all, we had been kind of isolated the last weeks in Sweden.

People had been looking strangely at the scene, and I could only guess that Hemstapo would be there within minutes. Hell, they could've already been around for all I knew - but right now, I didn't have time for diplomacy sessions with the secret police. I went up to the Dane, grabbed his hand and helped him on his legs.
"Sorry about that. He's not to comfortable in cramped places."
"You should keep that thing in a leash!"
"I tried, but I couldn't find one that fitted."
I turned my head towards 7emp.
"Let's go. The cops'll be here any second."

We started walking towards what used to be the escalators. Now they were in what was know as "manual mode", which was another word for "walk your fat ass up by yourself" which Bureaucracy had come up with. The stairs were just about wide enough for 7emp, which meant that the people coming from above had to turn around in order not to get run over by my friend. Reaching the main hall, I noticed it was almost empty. The last persons around were walking - if not running - towards the exit. I could smell the Hemstapo from miles away.

Coming in from one of the side entrances, Skinke made a sigh of relief. Even though this was the first time Hemstapo had been late due to drunk driving, they had made it here before the suspects had left the scene. The imfamoucy of the Hemstapo remained intact, and so did the sense of being wasted. Dressed in a long black coat, followed by five danish elite marines - armed with the finest Pakistan made weapons money could buy - Skinke made his way towards the control room of the central station. It was one of the few rooms which remained intact and in service. After all, survailence had to be more useful than escalators. A fat, blueshirted man sat in his office chair as he entered the room. The guard didn't recognize him, and neither did he get a lot of time to get a good look before traquilizer darts penetrated his neck.

There was a reason to the word "secret" in "secret police". Not even the regular cops knew.

"Find them", he said simply. His men quickly overtook the controls of the room. Across the station cameras started moving. I could here them, as their small motors started to move the cameras around in an unescapable pattern. Thanks to my congress access however, I had been able to access the file of all the blind spots in the system. They were few, and I didn't know if they could fit a Panda. I had to use all of my imagination.

"Do you see anything?"
"No, sir. No sign of any contacts, niether within the station or around the perimeter"
So the baricades had worked? For how long though. Those... things could break out any moment, and contamination had to be top priority. Only God knew what those things were capable of.

While I hid myself in a conventional blind spot, 7empl4r had been positioned right infront of a commercial pillar. He fitted the picture perfectly, since it was an add for some dumb-ass movie.
He grinned the entire time. I knew I was in for a beating once we were out of here, but it was worth it I figgured. Suddenly, noise came from the other end of the station, like a door slamming shut. I started to sweat underneath my mask. If the Hemstapo showed up now, we would not only be arrested - we'd bee humiliated aswell.