Okolje ON/OFF

Not sooner?

14 Dan 626, 09:25 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

A few days ago, I wrote an article which sprung some grand critique into the air. I applaud all the commentators (mostly eDeO employees, not too surprising) for their activity. I love activity. That's why I joined WBP. We are doers, and believe you

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1337 Industries: Raising the bar

29 Dan 623, 04:42 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

We interrupt the broadcasting of the adventures of pho3nix and selected eDanish citizens to bring you this important message from one of the co-founders of 1337 Industries: pho3..., ah - you get the message.

Dear Citizens,
Since I … preberi več »

Occupation: Chef/Smuggler

3 Dan 615, 07:01 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

"This doesn't make sense", I said. It was the third hour I spent infront of the books for 1337 Industries. Incomes were booming, but in certain areas we had some trouble. Dave Inc wasn't producing close to the capacity demanded by the market.

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Food for thought

6 Dan 596, 09:06 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

Instead of just driving back to the flat and actually cook something, we - me and 73mpl4r, returning from Kastrup Airport - decided to try our luck at grabbing something to eat within the city. Parking the van behind one of the many piles of garbage

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Stand your ground, eDane!

7 Dan 545, 12:09 Objavljen vDenmark Denmark

I would like to start of with a disclaimer: this is not an official policy or standpoint. Simply, it is my concience once again screaming at the terror of aggression.

Due to the special situation which is developing in Nothern eEurope, I … preberi več »