
Day 457, 18:55 Published in Denmark Denmark by pho3nix

Yet, noone came out. Instead the entire building went completely silent. Even the cameras stopped moving. I'm not sure for how lov I held my breath. Then BAM, another round of the same sound came unannounced, like a kick in the groind. Then another one, and another, and another. The pacing of the slams started to get shorter and shorter. It didn't take long before the entire building was filled with the sound of constant slamming. As sudden as the sound had appeared, it disapeared - only to be filled with a ghostly silence. I looked at 7emp, just as surprised and scared as he was. Like a gust of wind, a new noise started to fill the large structure. It sounded like tapdancers doing a parade number, but I couldn't remember anything other than a children's choir beeing formed since the liberation. With this in mind, I knew that it wasn't something friendly approaching. I started reaching for my gun.

The Hemstapo strikeforce had assembled on the roof of the Hovedbangård. Fixing their wires to the allready prepared hooks close to the roof windows, they all took a final smoke of imported cigars. Nothing fancy for the average eWorld citizen, but the average Dane had to work hard to get his hands on this stuff. Skinke - not satisfied with the rush of a cigar - decided to have a sip of his Gammeldansk aswell. Gently stumbling towards his men, he checked his weapon to see if it was reloaded. It was. "Are you boys ready?", he shouted. "Sir, yes sir!" was the uniformal answer recieved. From his back, Skinke pulled out two flashbang grenades. Pulling the pins with his teeth, he threw them through the glass. An instant afterwards, he had pulled his helmet down, grabbed his rifle and jumped after the grenades screaming. His men followed his but an instant later.

Having pulled up my huge handgun, I gently peeked out from the comfort of my hiding spot. At first, I didn't know what to make of the scene I was seeing. The first thing I noticed was that something was smelling unfresh. My first thought was of 7emp, but I recognized the smell a moment afterwards. It was me. I hadn't taken a shower in almost a week. How could I have missed out on that? Even 7emp - being a bear - smelled better it would seem. I had to concentrate real hard not to start puking through the few holes my mask had to offer.

It sure wouldn't make the smell any better.

Rushing towards us was a horde of monsters. Calling them human would have been an insult. Their faces were mutilated, limbs broken and the teeth... Imagine a Romanian 50 year old worn out prostitute without teeh, and you get the picture. People of all ages. Women, children, elders as well as stout young men - all of them (or what was left of them came running at us). I raised my gun, still shocked by the sight. What were these... things?

With a loud bang I was blinded. My eyes hadn't hurt this much since I had tried injecting acid into them. I wanted to rip them clean out of my scull, but - fortunately - the mask was in the way. In an attempt to control my panic, I reached for my cooler in search for an ice-cream. I broke the stick as I chewed my way into it.

After the sudden flash, the strike team rappeled down, about two meters of the ground. When in position, the entire team started to fire - guns and cigars blazing. Most of the targets went down with a few well placed shots to the brain. Some of them managed to get through the line of fire - jumping towards the team. Sørensen was the first to get an infected upon himself. The "thing" started feasting on his neck like a hungry immigrant mexican at a free "eat-all-you-can" burrito buffet. It was a bloodbath. One of the team members took down what used to be a human a few moments later. It was already too late. Sørensen was hanging by his rope, blood flowing in a steady stream from his neck. Skinke gave him a bullet of mercy, while the carnage continued by all other members of the Hemstapo strike force.

I couldn't move. The pain was just too much for me to bare, and I was sure that this was what the Hemstapo had planned all along. Fuck. I was in deep shit now, and I didn't know if my congressional passport was enough to get me out of this mess this time. Suddenly, I felt my feet leaving the ground. A pair of strong arms clutched around my waist and lifted me up, still in my agony. The smell revealed who it was.

"Go to the west exit!" I screamed as 7empl4r picked me up from the floor. Squeezing me in behind his backpack, I could barely breathe as he moved in quick pace towards the exit. He looked back. The soldiers were still mopping up the rest of the zombies that had attacked the station. Using his supperior battle skills, he had seen the flashbangs comming - and closed his eyes right before they went of. "Fuckin amateurs", he thought - as he ran out the doors towards what used to be Tivoli.
"The car is parked right outside!" I screamed to him, struggling between keeping a constant flow of air into my lungs and rubbing my eyes of the agonizing pain. I reached into my pockets for the keyes and managed to open the doors of the car. 7empl4r threw me in the driver seat, but I didn't know how he expected me to drive. I was just about to tell him when he gave out one of his heart stoping roars. By reaction, I put the keyes into the ignition and drove of. I still don't know how we made it out alive.

"They're all dead, sir" the soldier reported. The intelligence Skinke had been given by Grev Per had been correct - direct hits to the brain was the right way to take down these things. How had he known? Skinke hadn't seen anythinglike this in his whole career, yet Grev once again seemed to be one step ahead of him. "I need to cut down on the drinks", he thought for himself briefly. Then he realized that he'd be bored to death without drinking, and resumed his normal reasoning.
"Take back one body for analysis, burn the rest", he said to the soldier. Turning around, he started walking towards the western exit. He couldn't help but to feel the awkward smell of sweat, pussy and menthol by the staircase from track 7 through 8. "Jesus, just because there isn't hot water doesn't mean people can't clean themselves", he thought and tried to keep the contents of his stomache in. He barely reached the outside before they came up for a visit. It was yellow-ish, with small fragments in it. "Cool", he thought.

"I only thought maize made it in one piece through the back door."