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Personal newspaper and communications from PigInZen.

Break Out the Smelling Salts

28 Ziua 1,073, 06:49 Publicat în USA USA

"Piglet lay there, wondering what had happened. At first he thought that the whole world had blown up; and then he thought that perhaps only the forest part of it had; and then he thought that perhaps only he had, and he was now alone in citește în continuare »

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

42 Ziua 1,072, 12:08 Publicat în USA USA

And I'm not really a Grateful Dead fan.

It's true - you might be able to stop playing eRep for a while but you'll always come back. The question is, though, for how long this time and to what extent?

I feel like a newb all over again! LMAO.

citește în continuare »

Fundamentals Win Games

291 Ziua 861, 06:08 Publicat în USA USA

Thank Buddha for Butler University Else I Would Still Be Pissed

I'll say it. The past 25 days haven't been the most fun I've ever had in eRepublik. I have faced some of … citește în continuare »

US Foreign Policy Statement, March 23, 2010

87 Ziua 854, 22:05 Publicat în USA USA

Note: this article is a reprint with alterations of an earlier article I published 8 months ago here.[/citește în continuare »

What is EDEN Doing?

248 Ziua 853, 12:59 Publicat în USA USA

It's been quite an eventful couple of weeks, hasn't it? We're all very aware of the outcry that occurred when the eUS decided to partake in an RW in Sindh, Pakistan as opposed to … citește în continuare »