Break Out the Smelling Salts

Day 1,073, 06:49 Published in USA USA by PigInZen
"Piglet lay there, wondering what had happened. At first he thought that the whole world had blown up; and then he thought that perhaps only the forest part of it had; and then he thought that perhaps only he had, and he was now alone in the moon or somewhere, and he would never see Christopher Robin or Pooh or Eeyore again. And then he thought, "Well, even if I'm in the moon, I needn't be face downwards all the time," so he got cautiously up and looked about him."

Yesterday was a fun day. I got to catch up with old friends, hear some great stories of events that happened during my extended Roman holiday. It's always interesting to see just how substantive impact each of us has in the greater eRep picture. During my absence the eUS has done some great things through cooperation and teamwork, both internally and with other countries, and apparently fixed some systemic issues in our governing structure that led to serious internal conflict that was kept mostly hidden from the general public. These are Good Things™. Externally, at least, it looks as if the eUS is doing rather well. Teamwork, Wonder Pets and all that.

These events wouldn't have been possible without the concerted effort of not just a few big shot players but thousands of everyday citizens. I am fascinated by the "ant hill" theory of online societies; this is a contrived environment, afterall. None of us need eRep to survive in our daily lives (although apparently there is some component that keeps us interested, even after months of absence). I belive that component is part of our common human nature - the desire and compulsion to be part of something larger than we ourselves could construct alone. eRep is a perfect example of this. Communitarianism rules the day here and all of us, from the most isolated hermit working, eating, fighting occassionally to the most active and involved participants are part of something larger and contribute to its success or failure.

It is this component that I got a good reminder of yesterday. That months can pass, the map can dramatically change, leaders can come and go but eRep and the eUS in particular keep grinding on.

I don't know if I've been this excited about eRep, certainly not in a long time. Of course my doctor says this could be a side effect of the medication she's prescribed for me...

Should I Grow a Beard?

You gotta admit, that's one fierce beard. Fear it. Go Giants!

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.