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Personal newspaper and communications from PigInZen.

A Call to Arms!

57 Ziua 832, 16:12 Publicat în USA USA

If there's one thing I have learned from the past eight months I've spent in various Presidential Cabinets it is that one person cannot tackle this game alone. In as much as … citește în continuare »

The Game Is Eternal

78 Ziua 829, 13:03 Publicat în USA USA

We all play eRepublik for various reasons. Some of us are two-clickers, content to work & train and possibly PM a few friends, some of us are heavily involved, seeking out more community from … citește în continuare »

The eUS Economy Part II - A New Day, A New Plan (or How We Will Recover)

50 Ziua 826, 09:02 Publicat în USA USA

In my last article I outlined some of the market forces at work that have led to our currect economic state. I proposed raising import taxes in most sectors. In this article I'll refine that … citește în continuare »

Economic Armageddon (or How the Hell Will We Ever Recover?)

118 Ziua 822, 22:48 Publicat în USA USA

OK, some of you are probably wondering just where the hell I went. I admit, the last presidential campaign sucked some life out of me. I needed to lie low for a bit and I did just that. President … citește în continuare »

Congratulations to Josh Frost and Max McFarland 2

34 Ziua 809, 08:02 Publicat în USA USA

A Campaign Season to Remember

A Thank You to My Supporters

First of all, I'd like to thank the people that assisted me with my run for president - … citește în continuare »