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Personal newspaper and communications from PigInZen.

Presidential Comments on the US Attacks in Sindh on March 15, 2010

178 Ziua 847, 12:49 Publicat în USA USA

A Formal Apology

EDEN confidence in the United States has been shattered by our attacks in Sindh yesterday. There were critical battles fought for a larger strategic purpose in Slovenia in which the United States neglected to … citește în continuare »

My Official Stance on Indonesia

30 Ziua 846, 10:53 Publicat în USA USA

Neener, Neener, Neener!

What did you expect? It's National Drag Ass Day thanks to spring daylight savings time change... … citește în continuare »

Enough. We Cannot Continue to Do This.

73 Ziua 845, 18:26 Publicat în USA USA

Improper Citizenship Approvals Are Insults to Many

You, yes you! Stand still laddie!

*SIGH* Well, tonight has sucked ass. There have been not one … citește în continuare »

What's Going On?

27 Ziua 845, 15:06 Publicat în USA USA

For Starters, We Have a Name!

Meet the cutest puppy ever.

America, meet Buster! He's almost ten weeks old and our carpet is taking its share of abuse. Shih … citește în continuare »

Real Life Additions for Fun, Adminstrative Philosophy for Srs

47 Ziua 834, 09:52 Publicat în USA USA

We interrupt This Campaign Message for an Important Message:

There's a New Addition to the PigInZen Family!

Some of you know that we had to put our family dog to sleep on Christmas Day. She was … citește în continuare »