What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

Day 1,072, 12:08 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

And I'm not really a Grateful Dead fan.

It's true - you might be able to stop playing eRep for a while but you'll always come back. The question is, though, for how long this time and to what extent?

I feel like a newb all over again! LMAO. Completely clueless. Thank goodness I know how to buy food and MTs still and I have a rough knowledge of eRep geography, although some players with a distinct memory of eRep history might argue with that claim... 😉

I see that Admin was benign enough to let me keep my gold. Now, all you idiots who still owe me money (I'm looking at you Harrison Richardson...) PAY UP.

E Pluribus Unum,