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Chat Rooms

8 Ziua 725, 17:13 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

With IRC being free why would someone really spend the hefty amount of 10gold on a chatroom!?!?!? Internal chatrooms would be nice but 10gold i ridiculous... I hope the admins rethink the price 😉

Robert Grosseteste

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Robert Angry!!!

9 Ziua 724, 14:54 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

OMG... I have been waiting forever for membership in the military and now I have been waiting for access to the military part of the Irish forums. I am also awating approval on the IUP forums. Who is in charge of these matters!

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I miss wargames :'(

16 Ziua 723, 15:16 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

One of the reasons I came to Ireland was the smoothness everything worked at. Now it seems that many departments are mangled with constant reform efforts and sadly the wargames have stopped.
The clear sailing of all that time in which I could get

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Yeah... free gun

14 Ziua 722, 18:36 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

I need to get rid of five guns in my inventory so I can move some iron and diamonds around. Leave a comment and you'll receive a gun, if you are one of the first five. 🙂
(non-Irish citizens need not apply... lol, just kiddin)


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eRepublik Grammar Lesson#1 (and explanation)

12 Ziua 718, 18:58 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

It seems people on eRepulik have a different version of English than any RL nation. This is here to poke fun at and explain the particular eRepublik dialect. (Yes it will be funny.)

+"Psh" - Is a vague term that counters or

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