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Closer... In A Way

6 Ziua 717, 19:53 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Okay... now I am split between Saoirse, IFP, and ISD. Vaguely I wanna work and make a good name for myself so I am looking for a youthful party in need of organization. I love to organize and teach... it's my passion in this game. Tell me what all

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Close to a Decision

6 Ziua 717, 12:53 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Okay, so... I have narrowed my selection in parties down to 2. The IFP and the ISD. I'd like to learn more about the internals of the two parties. It would be lovely if someone could leave links to forums in the content section.


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eIreland, supposedly friendly

6 Ziua 714, 14:35 Publicat în Peru Peru

I was told that eIreland was supposed to be fun and friendly. I went on the IRC and everyone is not paying attention and are very unfriendly when they do.

Where the friendly people at?
Robert Grosseteste

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Robert Rides His Llama Out of ePeru

11 Ziua 712, 15:38 Publicat în Peru Peru

Hey my Peruvian friends,

I have had a lot of fun and a chance to befriend many greats of this game. I have been in a position of power which I'll admit was lovely. I got to organize which by my own admittance is one of my passions. I have made

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I hate waste, even if it might be digital...

2 Ziua 712, 15:18 Publicat în Peru Peru

Not sure why... but some newb donated 4 Q1 foods to me. Anybody want 4 Q1 foods? Vote it up please, might as well save some Peruvians some PEN.

Robert Grosseteste

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