eRepublik Grammar Lesson#1 (and explanation)

Day 718, 18:58 Published in Ireland USA by Robert Grosseteste

It seems people on eRepulik have a different version of English than any RL nation. This is here to poke fun at and explain the particular eRepublik dialect. (Yes it will be funny.)

+"Psh" - Is a vague term that counters or undermines a statement/argument.
+"Troll" - A citizen or organization that undermines a subject topic of an article by posting antagonistic comments.
+"RL" - Is an abbreviation of the phrase 'Real Life.'

+Psh - Should be used in the place of a valid argument in a state of disagreeing, often.
+Trolls - Should be ignored unless you disagree with something, then go wild!
+The phrase 'Is God' should be reserved to when referring to Emerick or Navy.

Robert Grosseteste