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Robert Grosseteste for Shannon

12 Ziua 733, 13:59 Publicat în Ireland Ireland


It's Robert Grosseteste for the first time 🙂

I came to Ireland not long ago with hope. With that hope and hard work I have quickly rised into the Irish political scene, for that I would like to thank all Ireland and the IUP. Though a

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Technical Hassle Not Worth It

5 Ziua 731, 16:11 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

I assume that all the jankness of eRepublik lately was due to the birthday happening. If so, was it really worth screwing up eRepublik to put a hat on plato, fireworks coming out of the eRepublik symbol, and the food image being changed to b-day

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Grosseteste Philanthropy

10 Ziua 728, 18:31 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Okay... so, I've been doing this without organization for a while but I am finally putting something together. This is a private charitable effort run by me. However, when it comes to gifting to be able to fight in wargames it would be lovely to get

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Change Scares Me (New eRepublik Design)

15 Ziua 727, 15:19 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Hello... ignore the smell of burning rubber please,

As a past neo-conservative, now tea-partier... vaguely change scares the crap out of me.
These new reforms in the eRepublik design are fascist and socialist. Like Mao and Hitler had some

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RL V. eRepublik

6 Ziua 726, 17:16 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Sure, we have read the articles comparing RL to eRepublik. But, this will be short and sweet and especially short.

Is eRepublik what we all want to do and we do, do because we are anonymous? Would RL be like eRepublik if we all wore masks,

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