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Heya... this is Robert

18 Ziua 711, 13:45 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Wondering why the Irish people think I should move to Ireland.

(Please vote this up, I'd like to get as much info as possible)

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6 Ziua 711, 13:44 Publicat în Australia Australia

This is Robert... wondering why I should consider moving to Aussie?

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Hey, Robert Considering Moving

5 Ziua 711, 13:43 Publicat în USA USA

Tis' Robert, wondering if the American people can be me the best reasons I should move to the US for?

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Peruvian Gifting

8 Ziua 711, 13:35 Publicat în Peru Peru


I'm bored... and I have three organizations for use, or at least I hope PQman23 will let me use PQ Holdings for this effort. If you donate gifts to one of the following organizations I will gift them to you raising your wellness, notice if

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9 Ziua 710, 19:13 Publicat în Peru Peru

I've got a moving ticket sitting in my inventory taking up a slot that I need to move diamonds to my gift company. First person to post either their or some they knows profile link can have it 🙂

Robert Grosseteste
(Please Hurry,

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