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Day 1226 - Military, politics, money and projects

6 Ziua 1,226, 04:57 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Figures, facts, money, MPPs

Hi South Korea,

Many things have happened in the game mechanics therefore, here are a few updates and news regarding what the government is doing:

1. Trading routes introduced, a problem soon to be solved.

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Day 1225 - New missions available

8 Ziua 1,225, 04:02 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Today Admin granted us with 3 new missions. Here they are:

1. Special Bonus Health
- Working with a cumulated bonus of 170%
- Eating 500 wellness points in a day
- Having less than 25 health
+ 15 Strength
+ 100

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"South Korea fights" Project [UPDATED with Questions and Answers]

13 Ziua 1,213, 11:15 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

The Project “South Korea fights" starts today.

Many of the Korean citizens are poor and cannot fight too much, resulting in a small activity and very low ranks for everyone. This must change. The traditional food give-away run by the South … citește în continuare »

The government and other stuff

6 Ziua 1,206, 07:09 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hello South Korea,

Here is the composition of the government for March:

President: Clopoyaur

Minister of Defense:

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Past, Present and Future

20 Ziua 1,201, 02:10 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hi South Korea,

It is quite a while since the last time I wrote an article, so here is summary of what happened and what are the plans ahead of us:

1) Peace with Japan and training war with Taiwan

As per signed agreement, the war

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