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Choices in Election Day!

39 Ziua 1,173, 00:27 Publicat în South Korea South Korea


Today South Korea is chosing the next president and therefore the future.

I have made a small analysis for the 2 main candidates, me and rythemdj for their presidency term:


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This is your president

41 Ziua 1,172, 05:02 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

This is your president:
(together in this picture with his great japanese buddy - Danyeo)

Actually there was someone missing... right, his adviser:


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Day 1168 - A day to remember for SK history

23 Ziua 1,169, 02:04 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Congrats to everyone that made this possible!

South Korea will bow to no one and will fight till the last breath for the freedom! … citește în continuare »


49 Ziua 1,167, 00:11 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hi South Korea,

15 days ago I wrote an article about how did the current administration managed to destroy the progress the country has
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Together for South Korea

24 Ziua 1,164, 15:34 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hello South Korea,

I am writing you to inform you that a coalition between the Korean Independence Party and the Socialist Party of eSk has been formed aiming to form a majority in the congress.

Therefore, as leader of this formed group

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