Day 1226 - Military, politics, money and projects

Day 1,226, 04:57 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur

Figures, facts, money, MPPs

Hi South Korea,

Many things have happened in the game mechanics therefore, here are a few updates and news regarding what the government is doing:

1. Trading routes introduced, a problem soon to be solved.

On day 1219, Trading Routes were introduced in the game, meaning that every region must be connected to the capital in order for the country to receive the bonus given by that region. This rule caught us red-handed with Jeju, our capital isolated from the rest of the provinces. Therefore the only bonus we had was grain.

There were a lot of talks with the surrounding countries and soon a solution will be put into place, meaning that we will be back to our usual bonuses: 25% grain, 25% iron, 10% weapons and 5% food. Since this was a sensitive matter, the discussion took some time and it was a bit impossible to solve the problem sooner as the only options to move the capital was to be conquered either by China, either by Japan, both unacceptable and dangerous for our country.

Give me a few days more and we shall have the bonuses back.

2. New MPP signed with Greece, a few more under negotiation.

South Korea looked forward in expanding the relations with Eden and surrounding countries. As a result, the MPP with Greece was signed and the one with Bulgaria prolonged. There are also a few discussions for some more, just in case the situation requires it. Also, the relations with the surrounding countries have developed very well (except for the one with Japan, of course 🙁 ) and we are situated by far better on a diplomatic level than we were one or two months ago.

3. You want money? Come and get it! We dare you to fight!

”South Korea fights” project, started almost 1 week ago, was well received by the population, so far almost 60 people receiving money for fighting. Yes, the government helps you to fight by giving you money for food or weapons. You just have to enter the irc and access the #sk-dragons chat, fill the form, when a battle with South Korea involved is open. The discounts are always announced in the South Korean Dragons newspaper. You want money for fighting? Come and get it! We want to help grow every citizen of this country.

4. Monetary market, job market

The new missions and the way economy is moving in the whole E-Republik had an impact on the South Korean economy as well. The great demand for gold made the exchange rate for KRW to drop to 0.08-0.09 values and it is possible to go even lower. The Bank of South Korea tried to stabilize exchange-rate a bit, but was almost impossible. After spending around 100 gold on this matter, we decided to let the market setup free the exchange rate and maybe after the things will calm down. Also as a result of the newly added mission, wages started to rise, as well the prices. It will be interesting to see where it will stop. In this way the income for South Korea raised to around 2.000 KRW per day allowing the government to sustain the fighting projects and the MPP signing.

5. Reinforcing key regions.

Our key regions, Jeju and Gangwon-do have been reinforced with hospitals in order to help us in case of an aggression. We planted there q1 and q2 hospitals because, given the country population are the most effective in a cost/effect report. Also other regions are on the list for reinforcement. We are taking into consideration also the option of upgrading the Hospital Company from q2 to q3 during this promotion.

6. Elections and congress

On 25th March 30, 2011 congressional election took place. Congrats to everyone that managed to take a seat. Since being a congressman implies responsibilities, I invite all the 40 members of the congress to be active on #eskcongress chat on irc and also to register on the South Korean Forum. These are easy to access by anyone. If you want to make your voice heard this is the place to do it. Also, I salute the appearance of a new political party, United Resistance Front ! I wish all their members good luck in promoting their ideas to the public.

7. Other issues

I encourage every Korean to complete the 3 newly added missions as they offer great bonuses in strength even if they request quite an effort. In the long term they will prove their efficiency. I also encourage you to take part in the “South Korea fights" project and receive help for fighting.

If you have other questions, please feel free to add a comment and I will answer them as soon as I can.

President of South Korea