"South Korea fights" Project [UPDATED with Questions and Answers]

Day 1,213, 11:15 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur
The Project “South Korea fights" starts today.

Many of the Korean citizens are poor and cannot fight too much, resulting in a small activity and very low ranks for everyone. This must change. The traditional food give-away run by the South Korean Minister of Health is obsolete and the results of this program cannot be monitored.

So, if you want to fight, South Korea will pay you a part of the fighting costs. Here are the details.

For each fight involving South Korea or the allies, the state will offer different discounts for weapons or food you consume, depending on the battle importance.

Requirements to participate:
- Minimum strength: 500
- Minimum military rank: no limit
- Being a South Korea citizen (having citizenship)
- Join the #sk-dragons! chat using your ingame nickname by clicking this link!
- Complete the form you will find there in the required fields saying how much will you fight and with what kind of weapons
- You will receive money for the fight
- You have to fight according to the battle orders or MoD requests a minimum number of 10 fights and a maximum of 30 fights.
- You have to fight as you declared into the form as you will be monitored. Failing to fight after you received the money will result in a bannlist and you won’t receive funds for the next battles.

Everyone is welcome regardless the party he belongs or the military unit is in. Also civilians are invited to join. We will try to set the form also in Korean Language.

So, lets take an example to see how it works:
Today we have a fight with Taiwan and according to the TW rules, today we will lose. Therefore this time there is no need to fight very hard. The Minister of Defense and Minister of Health declare that today "South Korea fights" program is offering 25% of the consumed bread.

So, here comes a fighter that wants to fight all the 300 wellness points. Buying 150 q1 breads costs 97.5 KRW (the best price is for q1 bread at 0.65/piece). So if you fill in the form, you will receive back 24.37 KRW.

In this way you manage to fight more with a lower cost, increasing your military rank.

I also encourage you to enter a Military Unit. At this moment there are 2 military units opened in South Korea:
South Korean Dragons
SK Revolution

If you have questions feel free to ask. I will edit the post with answers as soon as I read the questions.


Q: Do I have to complete the form before or after I fight?
You have to ask for support before fighting

Q: What happens if on the #sk-dragons channel there is no one to give me battle orders or money?
If the topic says the project is ON, fill the form, go and fight, you will receive the money as soon as possible. Usually you will find the battle orders in the South Korea Dragons newspaper or in the topic.

Q: For some strange reason, I didn't managed to fight, should I return the money?
Yes, you should return the money to the place that you received them.

Q: What happens if I receive the money but I don't fight and also I don't return the money?
You will be put on a black-list and wont receive money for future battles in the "South Korea fights" project.

Q: How do I know how much money will I receive?
Usually the support for each battle is announced in the South Korean Dragons newspaper. For yesterday, everyone that applied received 20% of the food they supposed to consume. For more important battles, bigger rewards will awarded for consumed food and weapons.

Q: I am not in a military unit. Can I apply?
Yes! You can, this is open for everyone soldier or civilian. Go on the chat and fill the form, once the Project is announced as ON!

President of South Korea